Sunday, January 13, 2008

Getting to know Aaron Swiger

The last name Swiger rhymes with tiger, not tigger, tinger, tigert, or tagger. You might think this would be an easy thing to grasp considering our surroundings, but it is not. I like to correct first time professors and rant over my last name because its origin, an ancient German verb meaning 'to be silent' really describes me well. My family crest contains an old man with his trigger finger over his lips, heeding all to be silent, presumably in reference to verse 10 of Psalm 46. I say I embody my last name because I am somewhat reserved, likely due to the fact that I have two older sisters who never allowed me much talking room. Further, I have an attitude that is often attributed to old men with trigger fingers over their lips. I blame this on growing up in Pickens, South Carolina where joy might be described as having a good garden, a load of firewood to chop, and a hymnbook from which to sing with your wife in the evening. I don't yet have a garden or any firewood to chop, but I will be married this upcoming August to my beautiful fiancée, and I do look forward to singing hymns and feasting on the Bread and Wine with the wife of my youth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful intro, Aaron! So, should I use the German pronunciation of the W, making it "Sviger"; or should I do it the Upstate way and say "Swiger"? =o)