Monday, March 3, 2008

Most Memorable Presentations

I regretted to learn that I missed the chicken showing presentation. It's very likely that it would have been my most memorable presentation, but as it is, I cannot say that for sure. Of those that I did see, Jim Palmer's presentation on alcohol at sporting events was my most memorable. Jim's presentation wasn't necessarily flashy; rather, the information he presented was interesting and relevant. I never knew that individual schools and conferences might have completely opposing alcohol policies or that the NCAA only made suggestions concerning those policies. It was also interesting and somewhat predictable to see how allowing alcohol consumption at particular universities led to more criminal incidents than when those same schools banned consumption. Jim's handout was also successful in giving a lot of information in a concise matter.


Anonymous said...

The chicken was awesome... so well behaved!

Anonymous said...

Hey Aaron,
Your presntation on the experiemental forest was one of my favorites. I hope to visit the forest soon!